Friday, December 28, 2007

Scammers target eBay names

Anti-scammer tips:

  • Use a different name on eBay than on your webmail. Scammers target an email name on gmail, hotmail, and similar online webmail apps.
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it's not true.

- Based on a blurb in the December 28th SANS emailed newsletter (not online yet). You can subscribe to get security "NewsBites" by email.

Software Patch Inspector

Secunia's Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is now in Release Candidate 1 (RC-1).

Of ZD Net's top 10 free security utilities you should be using, they say, "Number one is the Secunia Personal Software Inspector, quite possibly the most useful and important free application you can have running on your Windows machine."

The latest update features an improved look plus easier use by novices, yet advanced options can be turned on.

You can even track the results of your patching. Run, don't walk, and get Secunia's PSI now!